Physical Therapy after Breast Reconstruction

Physical Therapy after Breast Reconstruction I had the honor and pleasure of interviewing my physical therapist, Leslie Drawdy, to discuss the value of physical therapy after breast reconstruction.  Before I share the information we discussed I want to share my personal story and how I came to meet Leslie. My breast surgeon, Dr. Michele Boyce Ley, advised that I begin physical therapy soon after the mastectomy that she successfully performed.  I went in for a follow up appointment after healing post-surgery and told her of onset and new shoulder discomfort, especially when I was on my computer.  Knowing how much time I spend on my computer she gave me a sheet of well-qualified physical therapists.  I chose Leslie because she is a lymphedema specialist.  Although I did not have lymphedema my thought was, who would know better about the lymphatic system and post breast cancer mastectomy patients?  I hit a Continue Reading →