A Patient Story: Transitioning from Implants to DIEP Flap

Whether you have had a breast cancer diagnosis, have a genetic mutation placing you at high risk of getting breast cancer, have had or are facing a mastectomy due to either of these situations you will want to listen to this episode of the DiepCJourney podcast, A Patient Story: Transitioning from Implants to DIEP Flap.

The time has come to share a personal story of a woman I interviewed twice about her decision to have a prophylactic mastectomy and implant reconstruction. This is the continuation of her Journey. She came to a decision to exchange the implants she never quite felt comfortable in and transition to DIEP flap breast reconstruction and use her own tissue this time around.

An Unexpected DIEP Flap Reunion with a Friend

Margaret Tueller Proffitt has a delightful Instagram account and describes herself as a lover of books, learning and travel. She is a Mom to four, wife to one, and friend to all. I am honored she agreed to share her story on the podcast.

On a trip to San Antonio in October of 2023 to do advocacy work for DiepCFoundation, I visited PRMA where I had my own reconstruction. I received a text from Margaret mentioning her desire to transition from implants to DIEP flap. More importantly, she told me she was considering PRMA and wanted to know who I would recommend. Knowing Margaret as I do, I gently guided her to contact Dr. Lauren Whipple.

In the weeks following that text, I watched and waited until her surgery date, answering more questions, and guiding her through a very familiar experience to me, traveling for DIEP flap. There are so many similarities to our story. We had the same breast surgeon perform our mastectomy in Tucson where both of us lived at the time and Margaret still does. The similarities grew when I found out who would be the co-surgeon with Dr. Whipple the day of Margaret’s DIEP flap. Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo, the surgeon who performed my DIEP flap, would be working alongside Dr. Whipple that day. PRMA uses the two-surgeon model for all their patients that have autologous breast reconstruction.

What You will learn from Margaret’s Patient Story

I am delighted to share Margaret’s story with the listeners. She discusses preparations, traveling to and from her surgery, her support, and caregivers, where she stayed, recovery, and what she was looking forward to for phase two surgery. Her Journey, from start to finish has been one of well-thought-out plans around her family and professional life. Margaret leaves no stone unturned.

She share’s what surgical drains were like for each of her reconstructive surgeries, implants and using her own tissue. Margaret speaks about the challenges of having implants but also what she experienced through her DIEP flap reconstruction. Why did she feel it was important to have a wheelchair for traveling home after her DIEP flap? You’ll find out why in the podcast. There were days when the emotional component settled in. She embraced it knowing it would pass. You can listen to the entirety of the podcast here. I am so honored to call her my friend.


References made to my surgical group, surgeon and healthcare team are made because they are aligned with my values and met my criterion after I did research of their practices and success rates. Any other healthcare provider that displays the same skill, compassion education and outreach to patients will be given consideration and recognition on this website.  The information contained on this website is not a substitute for or should be construed as medical advice. Please consult a licensed physician for medical advice.

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