The Warmth of the Traveling Pashmina

The warmth of the traveling pashmina is not a title I thought I would be creating for a blog post. This is what I love about writing. You can take the smallest gestures of kindness and share those most meaningful stories from them. This story spans both time and space. You must read this to the end. It promises to warm your heart. The Gift of the Pashmina The days leading up to my double mastectomy were filled with emotion, planning, preparing, and letting go. This was my second breast cancer diagnosis. I was no stranger to the shock of multiple doctor’s appointments, coordinating care between my health care team, and the understanding that my body was about to undergo an assault of surgical treatments and recovery I wish I did not have to think about. The biggest of those changes was losing my breasts. My first diagnosis involved lumpectomy. Continue Reading →

Women’s History Month 2025: Enriching our Communities

I am sitting at my desk today on March 1, 2025, the first day of Women’s History Month 2025, contemplating the events of this past week. The highlight of my week was attending the Bellevue Chamber of Commerce, Women’s Leadership Conference. Empowering women leaders strengthens our communities. The women role models I encountered this week and every day in my nonprofit work deepens my belief in the role of women in our society.   What Constitutes a Woman Leader? Women leaders may or may not be publicly visible. I want to explain the word “leader” in the context of this blog. Women are characteristically care givers who foster friendships, families, and communities. Leading by example and lifestyle is a daily responsibility in personal and professional life for them. They could be someone who raises independent, respectful, strong children and community leaders. My own mother grew up on a farm in Continue Reading →

A Young Nurse and Her DIEP Flap Story

This episode of the DiepCJourney podcast shares a fascinating story of a young woman who graciously and professionally takes us through her Journey from being diagnosed with breast cancer, cold capping, the effect on her family and young daughters, and to the story of her DIEP flap breast reconstruction. You can sit and watch our conversation on the DiepCFoundation YouTube channel. Lacey is a dear friend, and I am honored to share the story of a young nurse and her DIEP flap story. Meet My Guest Lacey I am speaking with Lacey Terpstra-Reid. She is a registered nurse residing in Guthrie, Oklahoma. In November 2022 she was diagnosed with triple positive breast cancer at age 33. Lacey has over 10 years of bedside experience as a nurse from working in a cardiac ICU where she cared for countless ECMO patients to her current role as an outpatient surgery recovery RN. Continue Reading →

The Story and Tradition of Our Christmas Poinsettia

This week my husband walked in the door with two beautiful poinsettias to add to the Christmas decorations in our home. It always makes me smile because it is tradition in our home and has been since December of 2014. This is the story and tradition of our Christmas poinsettia. A Look back to Christmas 2014 December 1, 2014, was a significant day in my life. I was wheeled into surgery to have my DIEP flap breast reconstruction with a highly skilled microsurgeon, Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo. We did a special interview looking back at that day that you can listen to on this episode of the DiepCJourney podcast. My husband and I got up before dawn that morning and made our way through the maze at the hospital parking lot and halls to check in. We traveled from Arizona to San Antonio by plane for my surgery. I booked us Continue Reading →

The Difference Between APEX and DIEP Flap Reconstruction

Dr. Oscar Ochoa discusses the difference between APEX and DIEP flap reconstruction. I am asked this question on the DiepCJourney Facebook page often enough and knew it was time to reach out to an expert. Dr. Ochoa is with PRMA in San Antonio, Texas. They celebrate thirty years of service to the breast cancer community this year. Congratulations to the growing team of surgeons providing breast reconstruction worldwide for patients. Learning About the Philosophy of Plastic Surgery in Breast Reconstruction Dr. Ochoa tells us in the video, Breast reconstruction is a topic that no one really learns about until they are actually dealing with it. ~ Dr. Oscar Ochoa Before we begin the slide presentation discussing the nuances of the APEX vs. the DIEP flap, Dr. Ochoa begins our discussion talking about the overall philosophy of plastic surgery. He tells us this philosophy is based on replacing like with like. Continue Reading →

The Emotional Connection of a Few Drops of Ink

Ink has long been used to draw, write, create, and document words and pictures. Since ancient times ink has been developed for different purposes. Some inks throughout history are made to be permanent while others, especially today, are disposable, like the ink used in writing tools in distinct types of pens. Consideration for the material the ink is placed upon became a science to create lasting historical documents. What if the “material” the ink is placed on is your skin? I want to share with you the emotional connection of a few drops of ink. Ink Used in Tattoos Let’s talk about the canvas, the material I mentioned, your skin. One of the first tattoos discovered on a human body date back to a mummy found in the Alps. Among the many uses of ink in tattoos, history tells us they were used to mark criminals, recognize a tribe of Continue Reading →

Art Series by Beth Gainer

The creative work of Beth Gainer is featured in this summary of the DiepCFoundation educational channel interview we did together. I invited Beth to put together a presentation for the interview to share slides featuring some of the art that she hopes to have in a public space or gallery someday. The title is so inspiring and fitting: Breast Cancer, Female and Young – Art Series by Beth Gainer. Meet Beth Gainer Beth is a breast cancer survivor, a mother, an English professor, writer, book author, and an artist. Her creative writing and artwork speak to so many of us and has been a healing mechanism in her own Journey. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in her thirties and something she found in a self-exam. A mammogram and doctors exams had missed it. What Beth noticed upon self-exam was a slight dimpling. When she brought it to the attention Continue Reading →

Sunflowers and a Tribute to Passion and Purpose

Each morning when I wake up, I enjoy coffee my husband makes. He’s pretty sure he is THE coffee aficionado in our home. A retired engineer, he carefully crafts the delicious cup of roasted beans I enjoy upon waking up. I open the kitchen window blinds and look out at our garden. He has been planting sunflowers in a spot that frames that window because he knows how much I enjoy looking at them. During the dog days of summer, I offer you my thoughts on sunflowers and a tribute to passion and purpose. Sunflowers and Nature’s Beauty I was born and raised in Kansas. The state flower is the sunflower. This quote is from the Kansas Magazine: A cultural symbol throughout the ages – of faith, longevity, healing, happiness and good luck… The sunflowers in our garden rise to as tall as nine feet, reaching to the sun for Continue Reading →

Credibility in the Noise – Social Media, Breast Reconstruction, and Your Experience

What social media platforms do you use to find information about breast reconstruction? Is it TikTok, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube? This interview summary with Dr. Andrew Gassman of PRMA in San Antonio is about finding credibility in the noise – social media, breast reconstruction, and your experience. Dr. Gassman’s Interest in How Patients are Utilizing Social Media for Breast Reconstruction Dr. Andrew Gassman is a highly skilled and capable individual who knows DIEP flap breast reconstruction well. He joined the group at PRMA in January of 2021 and works with nine other microsurgeons who primarily perform autologous breast reconstruction for those affected by breast cancer. Before his time at PRMA he spent several years as an associate professor teaching future surgeons advanced breast reconstruction technique. He continues to be an active researcher. Our conversation addresses his interest in how patients want to chat, how to reach more people to offer Continue Reading →

A Breast Cancer Patient Intent on Finding Access to Care

Access to medical care for those affected by breast cancer is crucial, and often life transformative. This is a personal story of a breast cancer patient intent on finding access to care. She is a woman of strength and stopped at nothing to find the best care available for her during her personal journey from diagnosis to recovery from DIEP flap breast reconstructive surgery. I am pleased to offer this summary of the DiepCJourney podcast. Dana’s Diagnosis and Breast Cancer Treatment Dana Brown, PhD., is a 54-year-old wife, mother, and educator. She has been married to her best friend and soulmate for 35 years and they have an amazing son who is twenty-six. Recently, after 30 years in education, after much consideration with her husband, Dana decided to retire. This decision was made based on the reason she is sharing her story with you on the podcast about how she Continue Reading →