Breast Reconstruction: Seromas Pre and Post-Operative Assessment

Breast Reconstruction: Seromas Pre and Post-Operative Assessment Breast reconstruction complications are possible as is the case with any surgery. A possible complication in breast reconstruction is the development of a seroma. Here we look at the pre and post-operative assessment of seromas after autologous or implant-based breast reconstruction. I speak to two ASPS board certified plastic surgeons from PRMA in San Antonio, Dr. Ramon Garza III and Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo. I feel fortunate to share this information with the reader. The video in the blog will give a detailed explanation of pre and post-operative assessment of seromas. You can subscribe to DiepCFoundation YouTube channel after watching the video for a variety of educational topics on breast reconstruction. Dr. Garza begins the discussion by explaining who might be more prone than others to complications such as seromas after breast reconstruction. It is important to point out that their practice at PRMA Continue Reading →

Nipple Reconstruction after Mastectomy

I am often asked about the process of nipple reconstruction after mastectomy at the time of breast reconstruction. I am grateful to Drs. Minas Chrysopoulo and Ramon Garza III of PRMA in San Antonio who took time to make the video. It can be viewed from this blog explaining the procedure. My own experience during my DIEP flap breast reconstruction was a skin sparring, nipple sparring mastectomy. My breast surgeon clearly explained how she was going to make every attempt to save my nipples during my mastectomy. She also was very forthright in telling me, based on tumor size and location, she may not be able to save my nipples. I felt fortunate she successfully saved my nipples at the time of my double mastectomy. This is not always the case for every woman or man who has a mastectomy. There are reasons nipples cannot be saved. There are also patients Continue Reading →

Aesthetic Questions to Ask If Going Flat After Mastectomy

Have you decided to go flat after having a mastectomy? This blog and video discuss aesthetic questions to ask if going flat after mastectomy. When a woman or man loses their breast to breast cancer they have choices whether to rebuild their breast or not. They can choose to go flat, or they can choose breast reconstruction. I had a mastectomy in May of 2014 and remained flat for seven months prior to having DIEP flap breast reconstruction. But there are many women and men who choose to remain flat after a mastectomy. I had the privilege of speaking to Drs. Minas Chrysopoulo of PRMA in San Antonio about this topic. They are both plastic surgeons who perform various kinds of plastic surgery, primarily autologous based breast reconstruction. The information they explain in this video and have personally done themselves, is achieving optimal aesthetic outcomes for patients who choose to Continue Reading →

When Breast Cancer Patients Experience PTSD

When breast cancer patients experience PTSD, it can be triggered for several reasons. My own experience leads me to understand what triggers my PTSD after a second breast cancer diagnosis. I realize it is important to learn to control the mechanism that triggers the response. How do I do this? Awareness, speaking to others who have been through it and how they manage their own PTSD after breast cancer, realigning my thoughts to conquer the fear that PTSD brings on. My PTSD occurs because I was diagnosed with stage IV, metastatic and seven days later the diagnosis was retracted. I lived with that diagnosis for a week. I told my family and friends and they were sucked into the dark vortex that is the result of such a diagnosis. What happened? My healthcare team ordered scans after my second diagnosis. They saw lesions on my spine and that’s when the Continue Reading →

ERAS Protocol Breast Reconstruction

A little over a year ago I learned about ERAS protocol as it pertains to breast reconstruction from the plastic surgeon who performed my DIEP flap. ERAS, Enhanced Recovery after Surgery, protocol was not in place at the time I had breast reconstruction in December of 2014.  I wrote a blog about our conversation and what I learned. I have been reading several social media posts about ERAS and the benefits to patients. One study shared recently on Twitter states in the conclusion of the study: Conclusion: Enhanced recovery pathway program implementation should be considered as the standard approach for perioperative care in autologous tissue-based breast reconstruction because it does not affect morbidity and is associated with accelerated recovery with reduced postoperative opiate use and decreased length of hospital stay, leading to downstream health care cost savings.  ~ Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons ERAS Protocol Benefits Observed I Continue Reading →

Patient Advocacy: Shared Decision Making in Breast Reconstruction

When does your voice matter in patient advocacy in the shared decision-making conversation of breast reconstruction? The sum of events helps me answer this question in my work as a patient advocate. I have a voice, true. However, my voice only becomes amplified by the support, connections, and personal interaction I make through social media with those interested in this topic; plastic surgeons and patients who have lived the experience. Shared decision making in breast reconstruction after mastectomy means a process the patient and plastic surgeon engage in, resulting in the choice the patient believes is in their best interest. It includes but is not limited to the suggestions made by the plastic surgeon based on skill and years of expertise, being given all options for breast reconstruction, discussing risks and complications, and listening to and respecting the voice of the patient and what they bring to the conversation. This Continue Reading →

Waiting for Authorization for Breast Reconstruction

Waiting for Authorization for Breast Reconstruction It can take enormous patience for breast cancer patients who are waiting for authorization for their breast reconstruction procedure. I was once there. Now I am an advocate for all options of breast reconstruction after mastectomy. I interact with patients daily. Many times, their questions are a catalyst for topics to write a blog. Amplifying our voices to educate is part of patient advocacy responsibility. I recently received an email from a patient who was denied coverage for a revision phase of her reconstruction. Her plastic surgeon even wrote an appeal, but it was still denied. She reached out to me for help and suggestions about what to do. I take a deep breath when I get these emails and step out of my breast cancer survivor role and put on my patient advocate hat. I don’t want to offer false hope, but I Continue Reading →

A 3-year Anniversary: Blogging About Breast Reconstruction

I am celebrating a 3-year anniversary blogging about breast reconstruction on March 17, 2018. When Did I Begin Blogging About Breast Reconstruction? It began as a cathartic experience after having successful DIEP flap surgery in early December of 2014. While I was at home healing, the events and challenges I faced the year after a second breast cancer diagnosis began to flood my thoughts daily. I put my M.Ed. program on hold to focus on my health. I met with a friend and artist in early January, 2015. We sat down together and planned two things; the artistic backdrop and platform for my blog on WordPress and an opening date, March 17, 2015. We are both Irish and it was a good goal. We met many times afterward to hammer out details. We hit our target date and celebrated together over a pint of Guinness. Why Did I Begin Blogging Continue Reading →

We are Journey Strong! #IWD2018

We are Journey Strong! #IWD2018. We are Journey Strong and today we celebrate each other on #IWD2018! We do not wear black dresses on the red carpet in solidarity at televised award shows. We do not march the streets holding signs to promote our cause. But make no mistake, we are a band of women with strength, grit, compassion, and a sense of solidarity for each other few know about. We are a group of over 1,600 women who have all faced breast cancer and losing our breasts after mastectomy. The only garments and accessories we wear in solidarity are compression garments and surgical drains. Some of us have become entrepreneurs on each other’s behalf to develop products to hold those drains with greater ease after mastectomy or breast reconstruction surgery. Some of us have opened nonprofit organizations to support one another financially, spiritually, through education, or counsel. Others have Continue Reading →

Caregiver Burnout: Who Is Your Wing Man?

I have been watching as tragedy unfolds on TV these past two weeks with discussion and protests of yet another violent act in the classroom and brick and mortar I spent so many years and hours in as an educator before opening my Foundation. And yet, it is a blur to me as it runs across news feeds in the hospital room and rehab facility I have spent so much time in the past two weeks. This part of my Journey began February 14, Valentine’s Day. My sister picked me up from the airport and we went straight to the hospital to begin my current role as caregiver to my Dad. The past month has been an emotional mixture for me. This is the first time I have been able to write a blog for weeks. My life was filled to the brim with joy beginning in late January as Continue Reading →