Exercise After Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Going in DIEP! Exercise after breast reconstruction surgery is a tricky game. You must clear it with your plastic surgeon. Your incisions must be completely healed so that you do not compromise the healing process. One question I asked my PS, Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo of PRMA at my pre-op appointment before the final phase of my reconstruction was when I could get back to swimming. We have a pool in our backyard and I felt it would be good rehab as a post-surgical exercise. His answer, “When you are ready and when the wounds are all healed”. New Sensations and Healing I’ve been working up to this moment today. I emailed the nurse at my plastic surgeon’s office a couple of weeks ago and told her I was feeling some interesting and strange new sensations in my breasts. I couldn’t really put the feelings into words but I think she Continue Reading →

DIEPflap Breast Reconstruction: Aesthetic Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon

DIEPflap Breast Reconstruction: Aesthetic Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon DIEPflap breast reconstruction & aesthetic questions to ask your plastic surgeon involves more than  you may have given much thought to.  You have had a mastectomy due to breast cancer. You have tested positive for the BRCA gene and are facing the decision to have a prophylactic bilateral mastectomy to significantly decrease your chances of getting breast cancer. Perhaps you are even going in for a consult to repair damage done at another practice and are looking for better results.  Now you’re researching and thinking about breast reconstruction options. You found a board certified plastic surgeon with great skill and a high rate of success. The consult appointment has been set up. You write down as many questions as you can and hope beyond hope you will be given the time to have all of them answered.  Your main concern Continue Reading →

Infusion Therapy: Facing your Fears

Prolia Injection at the Infusion Therapy Center I went to the infusion therapy center at my cancer center today to have the first of my Prolia injections to treat bone loss. I would be getting them twice a year.  Since I am taking an AI (Aromatase Inhibitor) and additionally have a family history of osteoporosis, my oncologist recommended I start the injections. I do not have a fear of needles. I had a CVC line for chemo thirteen years ago and was fully awake when they inserted that. I have had multiple IV sticks for breast cancer and reconstruction surgeries and blood drawn. I always watch them put the needle in for both and tell them where my good, “go to” veins are. No problems. Today was a simple subcutaneous injection at the back of my arm. I had the option of having it in my abdomen but I looked Continue Reading →

The Perfect Breast Shape and Plastic Surgery

How I got to the “Breast” Shape Ever Twitter is such a valuable tool for me. A year ago my Twitter account was full of nothing but educational websites. I returned to school to attain my M.Ed. and I used it for the sole purpose of gathering information about the latest “speak” in education. I did not tweet, like, retweet, or DM (direct message). I only lurked and learned. The lurking and learning changed in October of 2014. School ended for me to focus on my health.  My Twitter account went from education to all things breast cancer and breast reconstruction. I entered the world of plastic surgery as a breast reconstruction patient after undergoing a double mastectomy following a second breast cancer diagnosis. It was a world I was unfamiliar with and had much to learn about both on an academic and emotional level. I was now following, being Continue Reading →

Bone Density and Aromatase Inhibitors

The Devil and the Details Today was a four month visit with my oncologist after my second diagnosis of breast cancer one year ago.  One of the purposes of the visit was to discuss bone loss while on Arimidex, the Aromatase Inhibitor I will be taking for ten years, unless of course they come up with something new between now and then. I was diagnosed with both invasive and in situ lobular carcinoma (LCIS) in my left breast twelve years ago. After two lumpectomies to achieve clear margins, eighteen weeks of chemotherapy and six weeks of daily radiation I took Tamoxifen for five years. Last year I had a recurrence of LCIS in the left breast and a new and different cancer, ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), in the right breast. Because of the new cancer in the right breast and the fact I had a recurrence in the left Continue Reading →

Surgical Drains

A Bit of Self-deprecating Humor Never Hurts Surgical Drains – A Necessary Evil I hope you get a Friday laugh out of this post!  Surgical drains are a necessary evil for many surgeries and they certainly are for DIEP flap reconstruction.  Drains are an important part of your healing but no patient I speak to likes them.  But, hey, they are temporary.  I even had one of my abdominal drains become infected the week I was out of the hospital after phase 1.  But, it was taken care of within 12 hours when my doc upped my intake of anti-biotic.  Things happens when you’re healing and the infection was short-lived, just as the drains are short-lived. You can read why they are so important to your healing at the PRMA website. This #FundayFriday,  #FlashbackFriday post is to hopefully evoke a giggle, smile or laugh.  Just remember to grab a pillow and Continue Reading →

DIEP flap Surgery Phase 1, Returning Home

There are several steps and preparations to be made for DIEP flap surgery, phase 1.  We spend a lot of time preparing for the actual surgery but it is important to think about what it will be like when you return home.   I will share my own personal experience and give you some helpful hints and preparations if this is the type of reconstruction you have chosen and what I did after DIEP flap surgery, phase 1, and returning home. Protect the Work of Art It does not matter if you travel to have your reconstruction, as I did, or if you will be having it done in the same town that you live in. You are going to need support from either friends or family when you return home from the hospital after your surgery. Remember, you are going to have an abdominal incision that runs from hip bone Continue Reading →

Healing Scars

Healing Scars Healing scars after any surgery is a frequently discussed topic for those of us who have been through it.  The word scar derives from the Greek eskhara, scab. In the present day English language it can be both a noun and a verb. Noun – a mark left on the skin or within body tissue where a wound, burn, or sore has not healed completely and fibrous connective tissue has developed. Verb – a lasting effect of grief, fear, or other emotion left on a person’s character by a traumatic experience Scar – Noun The first definition, a noun, describes fibrous, connective tissue developing. When you think about it in those terms it implies building and getting stronger, fibrous/connective. I still have very young scars from the three surgeries that I have had this past year. The mastectomy scars were the first of those three surgeries. The scars Continue Reading →

DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction Surgery~ Phase 2


PRMA has been kind enough to film this video so that I can explain  DIEP flap breast reconstruction surgery, phase 2.  My hope is that this will help other women in preparing and what to expect as you recover from phase 2, the revision and symmetry part of your DIEP flap surgery.  No matter where your surgery is performed I hope the information helps in your planning and the questions you might have going into this part of your breast reconstruction.

The Value of Patient Stories

The marketing representative at PRMA, Courtney Floyd, worked hard to film and edit this and other PRMA videos.  When other women can see and hear first-hand the successes of patients it is a direct reflection of the commitment that this Plastic Surgery group has for women as they rebuild their lives after cancer.

Editing Award

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I have to chuckle a bit when I listen to the video  that I recorded just three days after my revision surgery.  That breathing tube during surgery can do a number on your vocal chords and I have what I call my “smoky bar voice” in this video.  I can also see that my eyes are still a bit swollen from the surgery.

You will likely be turned a bit on the surgical table that day because of where the surgeon will have to harvest the fat, in my case, from my thighs.  I jokingly told him I’d be turned like a rotisserie chicken.  I remember a very strong looking surgical tech named Nelson before I was put to sleep.  He’s the one to the far right in this picture!  That was the best team ever!!  I just wanted to look at him, knowing he might be the muscles in the group that day and say, “Turn me gently, Nelson, turn me gently!”

Courtney invited me to be a patient advocate.

I’ll chalk this one up to post surgical grogginess but in the video you will notice at one point I use the word “feminism” when I meant to say”femininity”.  Ah well, the life of a post-surgical patient advocate!   I will attest to the fact that Courtney knows her business when it comes to editing these videos so thank you, Courtney, for “bleeping out” any weirdness going on in my head that day trying to get my words out.  I’m handing you the Oscar for best editing award!

Getting Back to Your Routine

Phase 2 is so much easier than phase 1.  It is the icing on the cake.  I flew in to San Antonio on a Wednesday, had surgery on Friday morning and returned the following Tuesday.  I flew back home by myself.  My sister flew in and was there for this surgery but she had to travel back to her own home town. It is very possible to fly out a couple of days after your surgery.  I personally don’t recommend flying home the day after surgery.  Check with your plastic surgeon’s office and discuss this with them if you are driving or flying.

The only discomfort I experienced was from the bruising due to the liposuction itself which was a known part of the procedure for me.  I describe it more as soreness rather than pain. It was completely manageable and walking and moving helped with the soreness.  You will have a weight limitation post-surgery of ten pounds for a week after surgery, as is the case with most surgeries.  I was out taking walks again after being home just one week.  You cannot sleep on your stomach or side for 4 weeks so get those pillows ready for when you arrive home.  I was driving again a week after surgery, but please note that you must be off pain medication when you return to driving.  In fact, I did the grocery shopping by myself.  Just ask the clerks to “lighten your bags” for you.  Take them in one at a time after you get home. Other than the usual post-surgical fatigue and wearing a compression garment for three weeks it was a relatively seamless procedure for me.

Other details

You can shower the day after surgery.  You will have some swelling in your legs as the fluid and bruising gravitate downward and your body works to absorb the extra fluid from surgery and healing.  Wear compression stockings home on the plane or in the car if you are traveling to reduce the possibility of blood clots.

You will likely feel so much stronger after phase 2 than you did coming home from phase 1 but a word of caution…. DON’T OVER-DO IT!!  Guilty as charged on that one.  I had a bit of a set back at week two and just had to tell myself that I had just been through surgery again.  I slowed down week two. Continue to take walks, drink lots of water, and eat healthy meals. Allowe yourself to take daily naps to let your body rest and heal. Take it easy, ladies and take my advice and don’t go back at it too fast.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your success stories, PRMA!

Ta Ta for Now ~ The Double Mastectomy

The days leading up to my mastectomy were a real mix of emotions. Our youngest son was still living with us at the time and finishing up a second degree. Our oldest son came down from Seattle to be here for Mother’s Day prior to my surgery “just because”. He arrived on May 6th, flew home only to return on the 19th to be here for my recovery after surgery. The 19th was his birthday. Who is lucky enough to have sons so great? Me!!   It was a fantastic week before the mastectomy sharing time with the family. Being surrounded by my husband and two sons and talking and decompressing from the events of the past month was cathartic and healing. Our oldest son came up with the saying, “Ta Ta for now referring to my double mastectomy. Let’s Do This I had to take our oldest son back to Continue Reading →