Breast Reconstruction Side Effects We Wish We Knew About

All of the breast reconstruction side effects we wish we knew about are difficult to cover in the initial consult with your reconstructive surgeon. Why you might ask? It’s simply a matter of time. The key elements of the surgery itself, patient expected outcomes, individual health related issues, medications, recovery time and  other topics need to be covered in your surgical consult with your plastic surgeon. A List of Questions to Take to Your Consult That does not excuse your plastic surgeon, however, from providing you with further information regarding side effects, coping with them, how you will feel months after your reconstructive surgery and the possible emotional and physical impact. You just have to come to the consult prepared and ask.  I would encourage you to ask the following questions during your consult: I know there are going to be unexpected side effects from this surgery. I also know Continue Reading →

A Letter to My DIEP Flap Sisters

A Letter to My DIEP Flap Sisters I hear from a number of DIEP flap sisters when they are having upcoming surgery for phase one or two of breast reconstruction. Some currently have cancer. Others have gone through their cancer surgery and treatments and are at the point they can now physically proceed with DIEP flap surgery. There are those of you who are having prophylactic mastectomies due to a gene mutation and still others are ready to complete phase two and finalize their journey. There is excitement and exuberance in their comments. I am so excited I have a date for my surgery! My insurance has been accepted for my DIEP flap! My surgery is just two weeks away! I will be able to look back soon on this entire process and be able to move on! I know how you feel. I sense your anticipation in removal of Continue Reading →


#WorkoutWednesday Exercises Let’s call today’s blog #WorkoutWednesday. I’m back at my desk today after an amazing trip to one of my favorite places on the earth, Seattle, Washington. I was able to enjoy family and friends as well as schedule meetings and dinners to connect with more amazing women in the breast cancer and breast reconstruction community. I unpacked my week and a half’s worth of luggage as well as my “portable office” after my flight yesterday. I was amazed at how happy I was to set my laptop back up in the office space in my home or as I have fondly named it, “The She Shed”. I missed writing, blogging, researching, sharing and reaching out to the on-line community. But the face to face meetings I had last week were invaluable. There will be blogs written as follow-ups to those experiences. It was important for me to get Continue Reading →

Flying Home After DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction

Flying home after DIEP flap  breast reconstruction surgery has the potential of both emotional and physical impact for patients. It was for me and I’d like to share my experience with you. I recommend securing a wheelchair to get you to the gate. It was invaluable for me for two reasons. I didn’t have to worry about walking fast to my next connection and it eliminated excess swelling and pain from walking long distances at the airport. It gets you through TSA much faster, too! Physical Impact of Flying Home I highly recommend you have a travel partner for phase one of DIEP flap breast reconstruction surgery. I did and they can do the heavier lifting for you. You will be instructed not to lift anything over ten pounds for six weeks after surgery. Lighten up the purse this one time, ladies. I suggest the following items: Lip balm to Continue Reading →

DIEP flap Recovery: the First Week Home

DIEP flap recovery, the first week home from hospital, or in my case back to my rental, was something I called on my best friend and caregiver to help me recount the details of. We had a few good laughs over some events I will share with you in this post. My husband was only able to be there for one week during my hospital stay.  Since I flew over 800 miles to have my DIEP flap surgery I had my best friend fly in to take over for him the week I left hospital. We chose to stay in a Vacation Rental by Owner. Lots of Sleep during DIEP Flap Recovery My surgery was on a Monday and I left hospital on Saturday. The sunshine and fresh air were divine after being in a hospital bed for five days. I got into the apartment rental, changed into my favorite Continue Reading →

Release from hospital after DIEP flap surgery Phase 1

Release from hospital after DIEP flap surgery Phase 1 Release from hospital after DIEP flap surgery begins your individual part and responsibility of healing and recovery. You have been in hospital for a few days, usually four to five, depending on your individual recuperation after surgery. You have been tended to 24/7 either by your doctor, a physician’s assistant, the nursing staff, specialist or other staff assistants. It’s time to go home or as I like to refer to it since I was an out of town patient, back to your place of healing. What do you need to know? Your catheter has been removed and you have been to the bathroom by yourself by now. You are free of the IV’s that have been part of you since you got out of surgery. The entire process of being released from hospital is an event in and of itself. You Continue Reading →

DIEP Flap Post Surgical Garments

The type of DIEP flap post surgical garments you will wear may very depending on your plastic surgeon. This is a photo I took on my computer. Keep in mind this is from my surgery in 2015 and what they give patients now may be updated. But it is a page taken directly out of the Breast Reconstruction Planner from my surgical group, PRMA in San Antonio. They are very comprehensive helping you plan every step of the way but I wanted you to hear an experience from a patient’s standpoint and the type of DIEP flap post surgical garments I wore. Are they glamorous? No, but you learn to conceal their bulkiness with accessorizing! Here is a picture with my nurse Denise. You can visibly see the outline of my drains but you don’t see any of my post DIEP flap surgical garments.  Are they comfortable? They’re not uncomfortable Continue Reading →

Length of Hospital Stay : DIEP flap Breast Reconstruction

Length of Hospital Stay: DIEP flap Breast Reconstruction The length of  your hospital stay after DIEP flap breast reconstruction will likely be four to five days. My surgery was on a Monday morning, I was in my room by 10 pm that evening, and I left the hospital on Saturday morning. Although my surgeon came in to ask if I was ready to leave on Friday, I stayed one extra day only because I didn’t feel strong enough to go back to the vacation rental. He gave me the option to stay another night based on how I was feeling. Remember, I flew in from out-of-town, 800 miles out of town! I had to be 100% positive in my mind that going back to a foreign environment, the vacation rental, was going to be conducive to my healing process for the week I would be there following my release from Continue Reading →

Postoperative DIEP flap Recovery

Postoperative DIEP flap Recovery Postoperative DIEP flap recovery, pain management, and progress with movement and activity, are some of the most common questions, concerns, and fears women ask me about. I wanted to share my photos in this blog to give women visual of progress I made during my recover from DIEP flap surgery. This was my recovery time and everyone will be different to some degree. I had very few “hiccups” in my recovery and it went as expected. The most difficult part for me was not pain, which was controlled quite well. My challenge came in lying still for five days. But as I frequently tell interested candidates, you have just been re-sculpted by an artist, your plastic surgeon. Treat your piece of art, your newly built breasts, with respect and nurture it back to health with patience and care. All good art work takes time! My First Continue Reading →

Scar Healing: Post DIEP flap Surgery

Scar Healing: Post DIEP flap Surgery Scars, scar healing, and scar therapy  after breast reconstruction surgery is a frequent topic of discussion on DiepCJourney support group page. I can share with you what I have learned about these topics after phase 1 & 2 of my DIEP flap surgeries. What Forms the Scar? You may have heard of collagen. Collagen is a structural protein occurring in our bodies. Collagen goes to work and is produced by your body, in simplest form, after skin is disrupted through a surgical incision. It repairs and heals the wound because of its fibrous, connective properties. It is what forms the scar when your body goes through its natural healing process. Healing is Individual but Maintaining Health is Important! We are all unique and individual when it comes to healing. Your skin color, genetics, and overall health are important factors in the individual outcomes and Continue Reading →