When you Learn About Breast Cancer Diagnosis #2

There are no easy outs when you learn about breast cancer diagnosis #2. I was diligent about scheduling my yearly mammograms and equally as diligent about doing my breast self-exams. I had my yearly physical in late January of 2014 with my primary care physician. She did not feel anything suspicious in my breasts just as I hadn’t when doing my monthly self breast exams. A couple of months later, as I was lying in bed one morning doing a self exam, I left a bit of a thickness in my left breast. I decided not to panic or jump to any conclusions for a couple of reasons. The first one, I frequented the gym and did weight training three times a week, perhaps the delusional/hopeful side of me. I feel great! It’s just all the strength training and new muscles. The second and more practical side of me, I Continue Reading →

Ta Ta for Now ~ The Double Mastectomy

The days leading up to my mastectomy were a real mix of emotions. Our youngest son was still living with us at the time and finishing up a second degree. Our oldest son came down from Seattle to be here for Mother’s Day prior to my surgery “just because”. He arrived on May 6th, flew home only to return on the 19th to be here for my recovery after surgery. The 19th was his birthday. Who is lucky enough to have sons so great? Me!!   It was a fantastic week before the mastectomy sharing time with the family. Being surrounded by my husband and two sons and talking and decompressing from the events of the past month was cathartic and healing. Our oldest son came up with the saying, “Ta Ta for now referring to my double mastectomy. Let’s Do This I had to take our oldest son back to Continue Reading →