Today I honor the passing of a life well-lived. Valerie Hewson Wright lived a life a love and vibrancy through a breast cancer diagnosis and most recently, metastatic breast cancer. I am angry, pissed to be quite honest, and deeply saddened at losing a friend to this insidious disease we have yet to find a cure for. Val and I never met in person, but I feel so very close to her and why I weep today at her passing.
Our Nonprofit Connection
When I began thinking about opening my own nonprofit Foundation in 2017, I would call Valerie and ask her questions about the logistics of running an organization to help others. She successfully opened VforVictory Foundation to mail drain holders out to breast cancer and breast reconstruction patients after their surgery. She worked tirelessly for these women and why I leaned on her for her advice. Her famous Victory sign was the way she lived her life always adding the famous, “SurviveTogether”.
Our connection was on so many levels. She was a member of my own Facebook support group, had breast reconstruction herself, had two beautiful children she adored, and a husband who supported her through all of the surgeries, treatments, and recovery they all endured together. We would tag team on the Journey when women asked for something to hold their drains in. I would tag Val and say, “Talk to this woman! She’s the one who can help you out!”
Our Arizona Connection
We laughed, cussed, discussed, and told each other those three special words, “I love you” in our countless phone calls and texts. We were determined to have a fund raiser together in Arizona, yet another connection we had. It never happened but our heart and desire to do it were part of our many chats. “Bear Down Cats!” was our shared motto with blue and red hearts to cheer our favorite college football team on, The University of Arizona.
Metastatic Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Valerie was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in the summer of 2018. I cringed when I heard the news but felt certain she would live the life she always did, with vibrancy, positivism, and loving those around her. She has a ton of supporters! We’re all crying tears for you today my sweet friend. We miss you, your smile, your videos of inspiration on Social Media, your crazy photos of throwing your wig off on the runway to proudly display your beautiful baldness.
I have watched her Facebook posts, as many of her supporters have the past few months, with hope but at the same time with fear. When her sweet family gathered at her side the past two weeks, it seemed as though the writing was on the wall. Each day, many times a day, I thought about all they have been going through. My heart aches, Val, and I miss you. I hate it I am writing my weekly blog about your passing but you’re so DAMN worth it!
Val Lived a Life of Love and Vibrancy
I want to honor my sweet friend today. I want to kick breast cancer’s ass to the curb because you stole a gem from us. Our hearts are breaking. But know this stupid, damn breast cancer, Valerie showed us all what it is like to live a real, authentic life of love, vibrancy, passion, and friendship.
I love you Val and I send my heartfelt condolences to your amazingly powerful and strong family!