How Digital Health Can Enhance your Breast Reconstruction Decision

Patients become unintended experts on a topic they likely had no intention of being an authority on. When you receive a diagnosis of breast cancer one of the biggest challenges is understanding the medical information you have to digest and make sense of for your own future health. How will these decisions affect your body, lifestyle, and long-term survival? If you are facing loss of breast due to a mastectomy, things can become a step more complex when digesting and understanding your options. Luckily, we live in an era where we have access to digital tools to assist with these decision processes. Digital health can improve your breast reconstruction decision. Defining Digital Health First let’s define what digital health is. It encompasses many platforms. Digital health can but is not limited to entities such as virtual consultations via your computer or phone and apps specific to a topic you need Continue Reading →

DiepCJourney Private Facebook Group: A Safe Place to Land

Social Media is a way for others to connect in communities to discuss like-minded topics. I began the private Facebook group, DiepCJourney: Breast Reconstruction after mastectomy, in May of 2015. The purpose of the group is to inform those who are facing or have had a mastectomy about all their breast reconstruction options and choices. This includes the surgical option for no reconstruction, aesthetic flat closure. We are a global community. We want DiepCJourney Facebook group to be your safe place to land. DiepCJourney Facebook Discusses all Options The chest wall is the scaffold of the surgeon. The decision to reconstruct after a mastectomy is supported  whether you choose implants, use your own tissue (autologous reconstruction), a combination of both, a lumpectomy, or no reconstruction, referred to as aesthetic flat closure. This requires decision making. On DiepCJourney and at the Founding organization, DiepCFoundation, we promote the idea of shared decision-making. Continue Reading →

Cancer Survivor’s Day: Thoughts from Personal Journeys

Days on the calendar reminding us of what we love, embrace, are actively involved in, and remind us that these commemorative days fill us with emotions, good and bad. There are holidays that have been on the calendar throughout history. Social media has caused new and interesting ones celebrating food, fun, and other trivial items uniting those who join in. Cancer Survivor’s Day, from my research, began in 1988. What does it mean to those who have survived? I decided to listen to those in my community and share thoughts on Cancer Survivor’s Day and some thoughts from personal Journeys. DiepCJourney: Thoughts on Cancer Survivor’s Day I began the closed Facebook group, DiepCJourney: Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy in May of 2015 after my successful DIEP flap breast reconstruction. Being a two-time breast cancer survivor impacts my life daily. I decided support, finding resources, providing education for others would be my Continue Reading →

Episode 8: ERAS Protocol in Breast Reconstruction

Are fear of pain and time of recovery after breast reconstruction surgery some of your biggest concerns? If so, Episode 8: ERAS Protocol in Breast Reconstruction, with Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo will give you information about ERAS (Enhanced Recovery after Surgery) protocol many large volume centers are now using for DIEP flap and other types of breast reconstruction. Dr. C is the president of  PRMA in San Antonio and the developer of the Breast Advocate app. Both of these sites have more information about ERAS protocol as well as the DiepCJourney blog and  DiepC Foundation YouTube channel.  Why Use ERAS? There is a shared interest Dr. C and I share in having this conversation. He states it very clearly at the beginning of the podcast. The number one beneficiary is patient experience and patient outcomes. There are substantial data and evidence-based studies about results of using ERAS and the benefits it offers patients. In fact, follow the directions below and Continue Reading →

Episode 4: Coordinated Care in Breast Cancer

Have you been diagnosed with breast cancer or at high risk of getting breast cancer due to a genetic mutation? Do you remember the day you heard those words and got the news? How many healthcare providers did you have on your team? In Episode 4 we discuss the importance of coordinated care in breast cancer. My guest is an educator, microsurgeon and Director for MedStar Plastic and Reconstruction surgery and Academic Chair for the Department of Plastic Surgery at Georgetown University Medical Center, Dr. David H. Song. He chairs the BC3 Conference in Washington, D. C. The purpose of the conference as stated from the website: Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting women. Diagnosis and treatments are part of the practice of a wide number of medical specialists and there are national initiatives calling for a multidisciplinary approach to the care of breast cancer patients. The multiple Continue Reading →

Breast Reconstruction Truth: Headlines and Research

Are you considering breast reconstruction? When I was faced with a second breast cancer diagnosis, had a double mastectomy, and began to do my own research about breast reconstruction, I was either oversaturated with information or wanted to shut down from information overload. When researching breast reconstruction, how do you distinguish the truth in headlines and research? The Moment of Truth The moment of truth begins when you are diagnosed or find you have a high risk of getting breast cancer due to a gene mutation. This moment is most often at the office of your healthcare provider. An oncologist, radiologist, breast surgeon, or genetic counselor are the most likely people to give you this news. You walk out the door with pamphlets and information. They might give you resources for online support, virtual meetings with other survivors, or websites to research. I hear so many individuals in this situation Continue Reading →

Episode 3: Breast Reconstruction and Breast Sensation

In Episode 3 of the DiepCJourney podcast I discuss breast reconstruction and breast sensation with two surgeons who have performed this procedure together in their practice. Dr. Anne Peled and Dr. Ziv Peled work in tandem in the operating room to preserve and restore sensation to the breast for those affected by breast cancer. The paper published by Dr. Anne and Ziv Peled can be found in the PRS Global Open under the title, Nerve Preservation and Allografting for Sensory Innervation Following Immediate Implant Breast Reconstruction PRS Global Open Dr. Anne Peled, who was diagnosed with breast cancer herself, was torn about what surgical option to choose for her own diagnosis; a lumpectomy, oncoplastic surgery or mastectomy. She was aware, due to standard training of breast surgeons, a mastectomy would mean the likelihood of losing sensation to her breasts. Most patients who undergo mastectomy are left numb and as she Continue Reading →

Sexual Health after Breast surgery and Breast Cancer Treatment

The words, “You have breast cancer” can be very difficult to come to terms with for women and men. Added to this and what follows is the aftermath from treatment, surgeries, and loss of body parts. Our bodies are physiologically designed for sex with nerves to sexual organs in both male and female bodies. Sex is often associated with an emotional experience for many. For those affected by breast cancer living with scars, loss of body parts, debilitating changes to sexual function, self-image, fatigue, vaginal dryness, loss of libido, to name a few, changes in sexual health after breast surgery and breast cancer treatment are often left to the patient to grapple with. Our guest, Liz O’Riordan, is a breast surgeon, breast cancer survivor, and author who discusses and writes about the topic of sexual health. We invited her for an interview. Liz tells us her medical background and shares Continue Reading →

Episode 1: Breast Reconstruction Advocacy

Have you ever been excited and nervous at the same time? I was on January 3,2021. It was an exciting day to publish the first episode of the DiepCJourney Podcast with guest, Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo. A few days in advance of the first published episode, I sent a message telling him I was as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Hitting the published button felt scary and exhilarating at the same time. We hope you’ll follow and listen to Episode 1: Breast Reconstruction Advocacy. After a second breast cancer diagnosis in 2014, Dr. C performed my DIEPflap breast reconstruction in December after a double mastectomy in April of the same year. He not only was the microsurgeon I chose, but he has also become a mentor to me, the voice in the corner, always cheering me on to “keep the momentum going, Terri”. The Continue Reading →

Breast Reconstruction and Lessons Learned from 2020

We have come to the end of a historic year, the year of poignant moments far too many to mention. There are stories to tell and a whole lot of reflection to do this year from patients and physicians. In my corner of the universe, I will reflect on breast reconstruction and lessons learned from 2020. Breast cancer, for many, brings a sense of complete loss of control, feelings of helplessness, and something you have little control over. Sound familiar to the events of 2020? There is a lot to understand about the disease of breast cancer, how it challenges scientist spending their lifetime finding a cure, and as we close out 2020, some uplifting news about a new clinical trial for a vaccine focusing on a certain type of breast cancer. A lesson we learned from 2020 and one we marveled at, scientist putting into practice the methodology they Continue Reading →