Nerve Graft: Restoring Sensation to the Breast

Sensation to the breast is important to most women. Nerves in the breast provide this sensation. This feeling provides protection from heat and cold temperatures. The breast is an erogenous zone for several women providing sexual sensation, especially in the nipple and areola area. Nerves are cut at the time of mastectomy when cancerous tissue is removed leaving numbness to the chest. During breast reconstruction, some surgeons perform a procedure using a nerve graft restoring sensation to the breast. Location of the Nerves Restoring Sensation to the Breast The breast is comprised of an intricate web of nerves running through the breast tissue. Surgeons tend to speak about the two sides of the breast looking at it from the front. Draw an imaginary line from the arm pit area running down the side. This is the area of the chest referred to as the lateral area. The area at the Continue Reading →