Microsoft Give, Breast Cancer, Our True Outreach and Influence

Five years ago, I began making yearly presentations at Microsoft in Redmond, Washington for their volunteer days known as Microsoft Give. Give days are part of their corporate responsibility when employees share time, donations, and skill. It was a sunny day in the Pacific Northwest as I rolled into the massive new parking lot of the Microsoft campus in Redmond in mid-October of 2023. My car was loaded with care package items the Microsoft team would be assembling after I presented my talk entitled, “Microsoft Give, Breast Cancer, Our True Outreach and Influence”. From their website this phrase could not have been more accurate the day I was there. Microsoft employees are passionate about giving time, money, and skills to address the issues facing our world. Microsoft Corporate Social Responsibility Breast Cancer Call to Action at Microsoft Give Day What is the issue facing our world attendees would be helping Continue Reading →

A Simple Note of Gratitude

I was raised to have a grateful heart. I have come to appreciate this value my parents taught me. They modeled the importance of expressing gratitude frequently with friends, family, and even strangers. Mom and Dad always said gratitude should be given freely from the heart, expecting nothing in return. I dedicate this blog to an individual I have known for five years. I encourage the reader to take the time to acknowledge those in your life who have made a difference, large or small, either publicly or privately with a simple note of gratitude from your heart. Moments in life are sweet and precious, tenuous and unpredictable. We don’t always know the direction our lives will take. There are the planners and the gypsies. I have always considered myself a planner with a bit of gypsy spirit. A plan I put in place in 2014 was to complete my Continue Reading →

Christmas Week: A New Breast Cancer Connection

Christmas Week: A New Breast Cancer Connection I was privileged, during this week prior to Christmas, to make a new breast cancer connection. Coincidentally enough, I learned about Nadia through another breast cancer friend and colleague, Barbara Jacoby. Barbara posted an article on social media about Nadia’s generous work with breast cancer patients through her love of photography. I read that Nadia was right here in my own back yard. I reached out to her for a meeting. As is the case with many breast cancer survivors I speak with, the conversation began with an immediate hug and a feeling of connection. We both encourage moving beyond a breast cancer treatment in our own communities through our separate nonprofit foundations, and The purpose of our separate yet similar Foundations seem to collide with the same message: We encourage women and men to move beyond the diagnosis and feel Continue Reading →