From Diagnosis to Regaining Strength after DIEP flap Breast Reconstruction
I remember well the day I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I found out when I received a phone call about my first diagnosis. It honestly felt surreal, like a gut punch when I picked up the phone and heard, “You have breast cancer.” The second time it was in person when I was called back to the radiologist’s office on my way home. The phone rang telling me to return after being cleared to go by a resident. I knew it wasn’t going to be good. But from diagnosis to regaining strength after DIEP flap, I made it through like so many others. My Diagnosis, Both Does the moment and emotions you experienced when you were diagnosed ever go away? I often hear the day, time, place, and how one felt is forever etched in your mind. It still is for me. How did you feel? My palms were Continue Reading →