Benefits of Yoga after Breast Cancer and Breast Reconstruction

This summary is an interview I had with my former oncologist, and now dear friend, Leona Belle (Dr. Leona Downey, a retired medical oncologist) about the benefits of yoga after breast cancer and breast reconstruction. Because Leona is a breast cancer survivor and has had breast reconstruction she speaks about her own Journey through diagnosis, treatment, surgery, and recovery. A Medical Oncologist Turned Yoga Instructor Leona is a trained medical oncologist. She lived in Tucson, Arizona working in both academic and private practice for ten years. Leona expresses how much she enjoyed being able to help others who were diagnosed going through what is a very challenging time in their lives. She did a pivot after ten years in practice realizing she wanted a slower pace of life and to do something different. Leona retired at a young age and moved to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico with her husband.  Her goal, Continue Reading →