A Reflection ~ Mrs. Jolie-Pitt

IMG_2877The Media

The past two days have been an explosion of conversations on social media, radio and TV about Angelina Jolie Pitt’s decision to remove her ovaries and fallopian tubes to prevent a very real possibility of developing cancer. Angelina carries a mutation in the BRCA1 gene and with a strong family history of cancer she made this very informed decision.

The Critiques

There will be critiques because of her star power. But she recognized that power to a good end. Strip that star power away and she is another woman, another wife, another mother who is making informed decisions about her health not only for herself but for those she values and influences.

“I wanted other women at risk to know about the options. I promised to follow up with any information that could be useful, including about my next preventive surgery, the removal of my ovaries and fallopian tubes.”

My Choice

I was counseled on genetic testing because I had a second recurrence of breast cancer. But I, with my informed decision, stopped at the counseling and did not go through with the testing portion. I have no family history and last year that was the decision I made. Will I rethink my decision at some point after reading more evidenced based articles, talking to health professionals as well friends who have done the testing? Perhaps I will. But the key take away from Angelina’s article was that it was her decision based on information. These health decisions are never easy for any woman who is faced with knowing they must find out if they carry the BRCA 1 or BRCA 2 mutation or for those of us who have had one or many diagnosis.

I encourage you to read her carefully thought-out article. Let me finish by quoting Angelina on what I feel were the most poignant statements for all women making health decisions that concern your life. Thank you Mrs. Jolie-Pitt for sharing your strength and insight with us.

“You know what you live for and what matters.”

“There are other options.”

“Knowledge is power.”


References made to my surgical group, surgeon and healthcare team are made because they are aligned with my values and met my criterion after I did research of their practices and success rates. Any other healthcare provider that displays the same skill, compassion education and outreach to patients will be given consideration and recognition on this website.  The information contained on this website is not a substitute for or should be construed as medical advice. Please consult a licensed physician for medical advice.
Posted in Breast Cancer Diagnosis, Finding A Surgeon, News

About Terri

I am a patient educator and advocate for choices in breast reconstruction after a mastectomy. Statistically, many women are not being informed of their choices due to many factors. Breast reconstruction is a personal choice. Providing information and education about those choices is a patient rite. It is the mission and focus of my work to provide that education and information.

2 Replies to “A Reflection ~ Mrs. Jolie-Pitt”

    • Terri Post author

      Thank you, Courtney. The information shared on social media about this last week was empowering to many. It’s so important for us to build these communities of shared knowledge. I appreciate the comment.

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