“The Emperor of All Maladies” documentary

Tonight is the beginning of the three-part documentary, “The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer”. The movie is based on the book by Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee. It will air on PBS as a three-night, six hour documentary.  I was fortunate to attend a pre-screening of this important documentary last week. Hope and Inspiration ~ The documentary, “Winning by Living” was made about a local woman, Michelle Kirlew, in conjunction with our local PBS affiliate’s screening of the Ken Burns documentary. Michelle has pancreatic cancer. She is a wife and mother and at a very young age found out about her diagnosis. She is aware that death is likely very soon for her and is dealing not only with her illness and the side effects but all the emotional responsibilities that come with facing death. She had the courage to contribute to science by participating in a clinical trial Continue Reading →

A Reflection ~ Mrs. Jolie-Pitt

The Media The past two days have been an explosion of conversations on social media, radio and TV about Angelina Jolie Pitt’s decision to remove her ovaries and fallopian tubes to prevent a very real possibility of developing cancer. Angelina carries a mutation in the BRCA1 gene and with a strong family history of cancer she made this very informed decision. The Critiques There will be critiques because of her star power. But she recognized that power to a good end. Strip that star power away and she is another woman, another wife, another mother who is making informed decisions about her health not only for herself but for those she values and influences. “I wanted other women at risk to know about the options. I promised to follow up with any information that could be useful, including about my next preventive surgery, the removal of my ovaries and fallopian Continue Reading →

DIEP flap Breast Reconstruction Blog Launch ~ March 17, 2015

It has been a complex mental process for me to know when to launch this “DIEP flap Reconstruction Blog”.   I am very clear on the purpose which you can reference in the Purpose section of this website. However, when you reach out to others in hopes of helping them by sharing your life’s story your mind becomes muddled with all the responsibilities of just that, responsible blogging. I have been an educator for many years. The nature of my profession has revolved around planning, writing goals and objectives, organizing, and most importantly maintaining confidentiality with precious and valuable information regarding my students and their parents/guardians. With all those parameters in my head and my heart I was searching for the just right time to launch my blog. I realize that the only just right time to launch it is now. I will let it evolve with dignity, honesty and passion. I Continue Reading →