Happy Mother’s Day Mom with a Grateful Heart

I asked my Mom a pretty big favor in a recent phone call to her. “Mom, I would like to interview you for my Mother’s Day blog.”  There was a pause at the other end of the line. Knowing how important her privacy is to her, I reminded her I had written a couple of blogs about Dad. Mom remembered and found them in a file. She reminded me she kept a file about all the things I do in my patient advocacy work. I had no idea she had a file. We scheduled a time for me to interview her over the phone. This blog is for you Mom. Happy Mother’s Day with a grateful heart. When Emotions Run High Mom endured hearing, watching, and caring for me through two breast cancer diagnosis. The first diagnosis we lived close enough for her and Dad to drive and make more Continue Reading →

DiepCJourney Celebrating Five Years in Unprecedented Times

Five years ago, on March 17, 2015, I published my first blog for DiepCJourney.com. I felt excited and anxious. Today, on March 17, 2020, those feelings, excitement and being anxious manifest themselves in a completely different way. We are at the tip of the iceberg in the United States as we grapple with how to deal with a global pandemic, the worldwide Coronavirus outbreak. This blog will be marked as a time capsule. I had no idea DiepCJourney would be celebrating five years in unprecedented times. I had an idea what I might write in this blog as 2020 rolled around knowing it was the fifth anniversary year. But now things have changed. I want to share my concerns and gratitude to all of the amazing readers over the past five years. My Concerns for Readers of DiepCJourney at this Unprecedented Time The blog continues to grow and evolve. What Continue Reading →

Breast Reconstruction Photo Sharing: Should We?

This is a multifaceted question with a range of answers. I face this question a lot. Those who are considering breast reconstruction want to know what their post-surgery body and breasts will look like. I know I did. There are a variety of situations those affected by breast cancer are portrayed in media and photography. I want to share my personal thoughts, tell you a touching story, and consider the answer to the title of this blog, “Breast Reconstruction Photo Sharing: Should We?” Public Breast Reconstruction Photo Sharing The media and those in business have an end result, to reach a wide audience and to draw them in. This is often done through artistic and visual enticement. There is a certain curiosity and arousal that is the end goal to draw people into an article, event, photo, or social media post. I understand the business aspect of this, but I Continue Reading →

Breast Cancer: When All is not Merry and Bright

I do believe remaining positive is an integral part of breast cancer survivor-ship and healing. I hear others say it frequently. However, there are times when all that encompasses this disease as a patient advocate sucks you under. Perhaps it is the short days as the Winter Solstice arrives. The long winter nights glow with holiday lights. At the same time, the events of this month have made me realize with breast cancer, not all is merry and bright. Metastatic Breast Cancer I have spoken with too many friends this month who are stage four metastatic. Some attended the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium despite their exhaustion from treatments. They went to make a difference as patient advocates. Even though I didn’t attend this year, it is a grueling conference when you are feeling good. I can only imagine they must have collapsed into their hotel beds at the end Continue Reading →

My Journey with Breast Cancer

My journey with breast cancer began as a 6 year old little girl that watched her mother battle the disease in May of 1987. My mom didn’t undergo breast reconstruction (I don’t even know if they gave her the option) so she remained flat after a single mastectomy was performed followed by chemotherapy. In May 1991, the disease returned, and it has metastasized to her bone. She ultimately succumbed to the disease 2 ½ year later in December of 1993. I was 13 years old. I spent a majority of my 30’s undergoing genetic testing, scans, self-breast exams, and biopsies at the recommendation of various physicians including my ob-gyn and a hematologist I had visited due to iron deficiency in my first pregnancy. 2 biopsies had already come back negative. Then on Thursday, November 15th after having undergone a 3rd biopsy on the same breast, I got the call that Continue Reading →

Finding Trusted Breast Reconstruction Resources

You are newly diagnosed with breast cancer, going through treatment, or just found out you carry a gene mutation and are at high risk of developing breast cancer. It seems important to begin  to explore all your options for breast reconstruction. Your mission, finding trusted breast reconstruction resources.   The thought of any surgery is scary to you. You have the information your health care team gave you. Now you want to talk with someone who really gets it but more importantly someone you can trust. Family and friends are there to support you but can sometimes feel smothering. They try their best to help and console you. Sometimes you need time away, to think, to formulate questions, to find firsthand experience about the choices you know you are facing. Can You Find Trusted Breast Reconstruction Resources in Facebook Groups? We live in the age of social media, so you Continue Reading →

A Breast Reconstruction Tattoo Completes a Patient Journey

Connections made through the breast cancer community often become delightful friendships. So is the case with Sandra and me. We both had our DIEP flap breast reconstruction done in San Antonio at PRMA, Plastic Reconstructive Microsurgical Associates. Sandra is also a member of the Journey Facebook page. She volunteers her time when I make visits back to San Antonio for my Foundation work. I invited her to sit down and share her story. You can view the video in the blog of how a breast reconstruction tattoo completes a patient Journey. Sandra’s plastic surgeon informed her at her consult for her DIEP flap surgery that she would be losing her nipples. She felt comfortable with this decision for her best health and aesthetic outcomes knowing he would rebuild the nipples during the second phase of her breast reconstruction. The tattooing of the areola area could be done after healing from Continue Reading →

Breast Reconstruction Patients Sharing Their Journeys

A group of women joined each other for an evening of friendship and support. Sounds like great fun, doesn’t it? It went far deeper than that. Or perhaps I should say, it went far “DIEP-er” than that. Each of the women who gathered for the event were scheduled for or had DIEP flap breast reconstruction. They all belonged to the Facebook group, DiepCJourney, known simply as “The Journey” to many. These women were all breast reconstruction patients supporting each other and sharing their Journeys. Social Media Breast Reconstruction Group: The Journey Social media holds great value finding like-minded people you can connect with. But little compares to personal connections, meeting someone in person, sharing a hug, and lending special individual and emotional support. The group of women I met in San Antonio on a warm April evening shared stories they understood before they met in person. Most of us were Continue Reading →

Undeniable Physical and Psychological Changes After Breast Reconstruction

Facing the possibility of mastectomy is frightening for most. You have breast cancer or a genetic mutation putting you at high risk for developing breast cancer. The body parts that are front and center on your body are about to be removed. You are sitting in front of a plastic surgeon as the surgical process is described to you. You know there will be undeniable physical and psychological changes after breast reconstruction. How in the world do you begin to even process all of this? How Will I Feel Physically After Mastectomy? My breasts gave me a sense of balance I didn’t realize until I began to stumble over my own feet after my double mastectomy. I thought I was just recovering from side affects of anesthesiology. Walking through my house I would randomly trip like a baby taking its first steps. I felt clumsy and awkward. My breast surgeon Continue Reading →

Breast Reconstruction Decorative and Restorative Tattoos

Two patient advocates, both breast cancer survivors, walk into a tattoo parlor in downtown Seattle. Sounds like an intriguing story, right? It was. I had the honor to have patient advocate Kirstin Litz join me for an intense day of patient advocacy work in the great city of Seattle. Our day began with a cup of coffee for the road, of course. We arrived in the densely populated district of Capitol Hill early morning to visit Eric Eye. We were there to interview him about his work doing breast reconstruction decorative and restorative tattoos. I have never had a tattoo but after visiting Eric we talked about the possibilities of a decorative tattoo in my future. He asked me what I was thinking about. I told him I have deep Irish heritage and I love to dance. Van Morrison is one of my favorite musical artists. I explained to Eric Continue Reading →