Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment of BIA/ALCL

Any surgery is not without risks. Using a medical device like a breast implant is no different. This is the focus of our discussion in a summary of the DiepCJourney podcast, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment of BIA/ALCL. Four million women across the globe have undergone breast augmentation using a medical device called a breast implant. This is done for reasons such as cosmesis or enhancement of the breast, trauma to the chest wall or for oncological reasons, meaning for breast cancer and the breast implant is used to replace breast tissue affected by or lost due to these two reasons, breast cancer or chest wall trauma. Meet A Leading Expert in the Field I talked to a leading expert in the field about the medical definition of breast implant associated (BIA) anaplastic large cell lymphoma, an uncommon form of ALCL. I interviewed Mark Clemens, MD, MBA, FACS. After receiving his Continue Reading →

The Rewards and Risks of Traveling for Patient Advocacy

Let’s dispense with the not so good news first. It is far less than the good news I will write about regarding the rewards and risks of traveling for patient advocacy. The Risks of Traveling for Patient Advocacy Patient advocates I know go into this work with their eyes wide open when they travel to conferences or events for their work. We know what can and sometimes does happen. I wanted to talk about these first because they are short-lived risks. The fallout from any of the above items passes in a brief time. We deal with them as they happen knowing we will return to our advocacy work in no time because of dealing with any of the above-mentioned events. The Rewards of Traveling for Patient Advocacy This is the real magic sauce of being a patient advocate and traveling on behalf of the communities we serve. My work Continue Reading →

Tapping into Resilience in the New Year

We can write down, talk about, and make all the New Year’s resolutions we want. However, what will sustain us throughout the year is our resilience and responding to situations that set us back or cause us to change direction in our lives unexpectedly. How are you going to be tapping into resilience in the New Year? When Life Events Become a Catalyst to Tap into Resilience There are distinct types of events in life that can cause us to pivot, adjust, and do our best to move forward. I am speaking about health events. A sporting accident, a catastrophic car accident, or finding you have a disease that could either take your life sooner than expected or change your life forever. These are only a few examples of life events that cause one to reexamine how they are going to deal with things moving forward. My experience dealing with Continue Reading →

Episode 43: The Drain-Free DIEP Flap Concept

DIEP flap breast reconstruction most often requires surgical drains for post operative care. Patients often mention to me they are awkward, can become infected at the suture site where they are attached, and are cumbersome to hide under clothing after surgery when going out in public. This is a summary of Episode 43: The Drain-Free DIEP flap Concept as it relates specifically to this type of autologous breast reconstruction. My guest on this episode of the DiepCJourney podcast has been in communication with me over the past year in anticipation of his published paper, Are Surgical Drains Needed in DIEP Flap Surgery? The Drain-Free DIEP Flap Concept. Dr. Nanidis and the Motivation for the Drain-Free DIEP Mr. Theo Nanidis, is a Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive surgeon with the NHS and private practice at The Royal Marsden. He graduated with distinctions from University College London Medical School in 2003 and completed Continue Reading →

Microsoft Give, Breast Cancer, Our True Outreach and Influence

Five years ago, I began making yearly presentations at Microsoft in Redmond, Washington for their volunteer days known as Microsoft Give. Give days are part of their corporate responsibility when employees share time, donations, and skill. It was a sunny day in the Pacific Northwest as I rolled into the massive new parking lot of the Microsoft campus in Redmond in mid-October of 2023. My car was loaded with care package items the Microsoft team would be assembling after I presented my talk entitled, “Microsoft Give, Breast Cancer, Our True Outreach and Influence”. From their website this phrase could not have been more accurate the day I was there. Microsoft employees are passionate about giving time, money, and skills to address the issues facing our world. Microsoft Corporate Social Responsibility Breast Cancer Call to Action at Microsoft Give Day What is the issue facing our world attendees would be helping Continue Reading →

Episode 39 The London Breast Meeting Recap

This podcast was recorded prior to The London Breast Meeting with the Rob Pupelis and Elizabeth Van Thillo of T-Stat along with Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo of PRMA. The meeting took place in early September at the Royal College of Physicians. Shortly after the recording this summer, Dr. C posted on his LinkedIn account. He stated, “Great way to kick off a Saturday! Looking forward to part two at the London Breast Meeting!” This blog summary of Episode 39 of the DiepCJourney podcast is the London Breast Meeting Recap and what took place those fantastic days during the conference. We will call it part three! Rob Shares His Thoughts on Discovery at the London Breast Meeting I invited my guests to share a realistic analysis of what they expected to get from the conference. Beyond the travel, there is a great amount of thought and preparation that goes into attending conferences optimizing Continue Reading →

Assessing Your Decision Making in Breast Reconstruction

Decision making is a process we use every day. When faced with a mastectomy for those affected by breast cancer, decision making can become emotionally complex and sometimes physically exhausting. Assessing your decision making in breast reconstruction can help you understand the deliberate and thoughtful work you put into this critical time in your life. First Steps in Decision Making in Breast Reconstruction This topic has come to my attention this week while supporting a newly diagnosed woman. Her process resonates with me as I recall my own process of decision making in breast reconstruction after my second breast cancer diagnosis. Here are pertinent steps to consider. How Are You Doing So Far? These six steps are key but certainly not all inclusive in the decision-making process for breast reconstruction. When you step back and look at them collectively you should be giving yourself quite a bit of credit at Continue Reading →

Motivation to Exercise During Breast Cancer

During my first breast cancer diagnosis in 2002 I had two surgeries, eighteen rounds of chemotherapy, and six weeks of daily radiation in a period of nine months. I was treated at MD Anderson, a world class facility known for patient care, and a commitment to cure cancer through their research and work. They provided access to many ancillary programs for breast cancer patients, including but not limited to exercise programs. I was a full hour away from the facility. Once I had my chemotherapy, I headed straight home to rest. I admit I did not have much motivation to exercise then. My blood counts, both red and white, tanked during my chemo treatments that included Adriamycin, the red devil, for one. I landed in hospital with a neutropenic fever for a few days after round three. There were days when walking from the laundry room to the TV room Continue Reading →

Wins and Losses as I Celebrate Eight Years at DiepCFoundation

Each August that rolls around, I think of the day I received my official letter of designation from the IRS stating I was legit, a government approved 501c3 nonprofit organization. Those eight years have been filled with a variety of emotions, wins and losses as I celebrate eight years at DiepCFoundation. The Losses During my Time as Founder of DiepCFoundation The most profound losses I have experienced are the loss of friends from breast cancer. When I hear the news of friends doing poorly, of the disease taking hold and treatment options running out, it is a slow process of loss. The breast cancer community lost a fierce advocate this year, Jennifer Elliott. She, along with many of my colleagues and patient advocate friends completed project LEAD together in 2017. Our friend, Kirstin Litz, used to refer to Jenn as, “Jenn double N”! It was a beautiful day when Roberta Continue Reading →

Cancer Survivors Day 2023

I did not title this blog “National Cancer Survivors Day” for one reason. Cancer is an international disease. How it is treated, the access to care, the stories of cancer survivors are global. We should celebrate every cancer survivor around the world, every day. I am glad there is one day set aside to honor us and bring awareness to what being a cancer survivor is. I salute all of us this year on Cancer Survivors Day 2023. Living “With a History of Cancer” Many are confused by the word ‘survivor’, but I feel this is a well-defined statement. There is a website dedicated to Cancer Survivors Day. This is the statement from their website. According to the National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation, administrator for the celebration, “A ‘survivor’ is anyone living with a history of cancer – from the moment of diagnosis through the remainder of life.” National Cancer Continue Reading →