Lost Breast Sensation after Mastectomy Restored 10 Years Later

Tara begins by telling us the painful story of losing her mother to breast cancer when she was only eighteen. In an ironic twist of fate, Tara’s mother lost her own mother, Tara’s grandmother, from breast cancer at the same age. Having experienced this, she describes it as a “dark cycle that would just keep happening”. This is Tara’s story of lost breast sensation after mastectomy restored 10 years later. With other family members who had a cancer diagnosis, Tara was encouraged to have genetic testing by her then partner. She had no idea at the time what having genetic testing would actually mean and how it would change her life if she tested positive. When the results came back that she was in fact a carrier of a BRCA gene mutation, she went to see a surgeon to discuss what her options were. She was given two options. She Continue Reading →