TruSense℠: Restoring Sensation and Wholeness after Breast Cancer Surgery

Many women are left numb after mastectomy. At PRMA in San Antonio, Texas they have created the term TruSense℠ that refers to restoring sensation and wholeness after breast cancer surgery. I interviewed Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo to learn why this procedure is important to patients. Maintaining Breast Sensation after Breast Cancer Surgery Dr. Chrysopoulo, Dr. C to his patients, points out the good news first. We now have surgical techniques where there are ways of maintaining sensation and even restoring it. There are variations in mastectomy results. The breast surgeon has a lot to do with how much feeling they have after mastectomy. Thus, this is a breast surgeon issue since they are the ones removing the breast gland that contain the nerves that provide feeling. Dr. C points out they do not do it on purpose it is just the way the nerves travel through the breast tissue. There are Continue Reading →

Robotic Assisted DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction in Australia

Since I had my own DIEP flap breast reconstruction at PRMA in late 2014 performed by Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo I have been fascinated with this surgery. I feel one strong reason people choose the profession of microsurgery is out of passion. The satisfaction of what is accomplished each day must linger long after they leave work and in fact drive them to do better. I invite you to learn more from one such surgeon I met via social media, Dr. Joe Dusseldorp. Join me in learning more about robotic assisted DIEP flap breast reconstruction in Australia. The Progress of DIEP Flap and Value of Robotic Assisted DIEP Over time, I have seen so much progress in surgical procedures and robotic assisted DIEP is just one of them. Dr. Joe agrees and points out this is just ONE technique. His comment, “Surgery doesn’t change overnight. It’s lots of little incremental steps Continue Reading →

Dismayed at Coding Changes and What is Being Taken Away from the Breast Cancer Community

I returned from the American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgeons’ meeting late Tuesday this past week on January 24, 2023. What has been happening in the world of access to care and choice in breast reconstruction has shattered many of us in this community. There are many passionate surgeons who have dedicated their lives to performing the DIEP flap surgery. Patients affected are dismayed at coding changes and what is being taken away from the breast cancer community. The Coding Changes and What is Being Taken Away DIEP flap surgery is not going away. It is access to care thereby limiting our choice of what type of reconstructive surgery breast cancer patients can choose after mastectomy and loss of breast. The process of why these codes have been taken away, the S-code, is a complex system and decision process made by medical governing organizations. It involves evaluation of work hours spent Continue Reading →

Benefits of Yoga after Breast Cancer and Breast Reconstruction

This summary is an interview I had with my former oncologist, and now dear friend, Leona Belle (Dr. Leona Downey, a retired medical oncologist) about the benefits of yoga after breast cancer and breast reconstruction. Because Leona is a breast cancer survivor and has had breast reconstruction she speaks about her own Journey through diagnosis, treatment, surgery, and recovery. A Medical Oncologist Turned Yoga Instructor Leona is a trained medical oncologist. She lived in Tucson, Arizona working in both academic and private practice for ten years. Leona expresses how much she enjoyed being able to help others who were diagnosed going through what is a very challenging time in their lives. She did a pivot after ten years in practice realizing she wanted a slower pace of life and to do something different. Leona retired at a young age and moved to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico with her husband.  Her goal, Continue Reading →

Resilience and Hope in Breast Cancer and Breast Reconstruction

These seem like very strong words to define one who has been diagnosed with breast cancer or going through breast reconstruction. I believe people in either of these circumstances possess both hope and resilience. There are unpredictable forces in our life that move us forward. I consider resilience and hope in breast cancer and breast reconstruction as two of those forces. Resilience When Diagnosed with Breast Cancer When you hear or read the word, resilience, it seems like a strong word to define someone who has heard the news they have breast cancer. What I am really trying to convey is that whether you think you have resilience or not, you are actively showing that you do. How? By putting one foot in front of the other each moment, each day after being diagnosed. It is not to say you must stay positive, you are being courageous, or acting tough. Continue Reading →

Patient Advocacy in San Antonio

I am sitting in my office looking out the window at softly falling snow. The cold temperatures of winter have settled in. It is a great day to reflect while sipping on a cup of warm tea after a week at the conference followed by a week spent with family. It is a strong finish wrapping up 2022 and patient advocacy in San Antonio. Patient Advocacy Focus at SABCS The hashtag #SABCS2022 was seen on Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn during the first week of December. This was my third time attending the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium conference. I was an active part of the Alamo Breast Cancer Foundation (ABCF) Patient Advocacy Program this year. It required a great deal of planning and preparation. The first year I attended in 2016 I was a newbie. I wasn’t even sure if I should be attending after just opening my nonprofit organization, Continue Reading →

Tips for Getting Through the Holidays During Breast Cancer

I have written about this topic before but each year I seem to learn something new. I hear from other people about being diagnosed or having surgery toward the end of the year. This can throw an extra wrench into holiday plans since so many people celebrate a number of different holidays in December. I learn from them and share my tips for getting through the holidays during breast cancer. My Tips for Managing your Phone Time This Thanksgiving, I gave myself a gift. I called family and close friends in the days leading up to Thanksgiving and told them I was turning my phone off the entire day of Thanksgiving beginning at bedtime the night before. I did not turn it back on until the morning after. They had the ability to get a hold of me in an emergency. I wanted to make sure of that. It was Continue Reading →

Ways of Giving Back

There are many ways to give back to nonprofit organizations. Whether you are a patient, caregiver, surgeon, individual or corporate entity, or know someone who has been affected by breast cancer, at DiepCFoundation we want to share ways of giving back to the community we serve. Donate Your Time or Share a Testimonial There is nothing more rewarding than standing beside a volunteer at an event we are part of. These are patients who have been through this surgery and know first hand what to say to those who attend these events. We are grateful and will continue to reach out to our volunteers at these events. Writing a Testimonial and sharing it on our social media accounts is so appreciated. You can write it anonymously or we are happy to use your name and tag you on social media. Patients write testimonials telling us that viewing our DiepC Foundation Continue Reading →

Episode 19: Efficient DIEP Flaps

DIEP flaps are a type of breast reconstruction using a patient’s own tissue to reconstruct breasts after mastectomy for those affected by breast cancer. DIEP stands for deep inferior epigastric perforators. Epigastric refers to the abdominal area. The underlying tissue and perforators (blood vessels) are disconnected by the microsurgeon from the abdominal area and transplanted to the breast area to create soft, warm, tissue much like the breasts removed during mastectomy. We hope Episode 19: Efficient DIEP Flaps, has piqued your curiosity. Efficient DIEP Flaps Study To do an efficient DIEP flap requires years of training, skill, planning, and a team. My guest, Dr. Nicholas Haddock is one of the Breast Reconstruction Team at UT – Southwestern Department of Plastic Surgery in Dallas, TX. He works with Dr. Sumeet Teotia performing state of the art autologous breast reconstruction in the Dallas/Fort Worth area in Texas. In our discussion we reference the PRS Global Continue Reading →

Acknowledging Those Who Give Their Time for Breast Reconstruction Patients

We come to a season of reflection, giving, and gratitude. I want to take a moment to honor all those who give selflessly of their time helping me in my pursuit of educating and supporting those who are affected by breast cancer. Acknowledging those who give their time for breast reconstruction patients is important to me. Those World is Full of Giving People Talk on the street says we have been through a lot the past couple of years. ‘Tis true. I don’t think it is necessary to rehash the events or effect from all that has occurred and shaped our world since early 2020. News headlines inundate us changing our mood, focus, and daily living. And yet, through all of this I continue to witness a world full of giving people. In my corner of the world helping breast reconstruction patients, those giving people seem to come from every Continue Reading →