Breast Reconstruction Surgery In New Orleans at CRBS

Have you searched endlessly perhaps days and weeks, for a microsurgeon to perform breast reconstruction? Access to care is a real concern for patients who are affected by breast cancer. Finding a plastic surgeon who specializes in tissue reconstruction in the area you live in is not always a service afforded to all patients. Traveling for breast reconstruction is not out of the ordinary. It was something I did myself for my DIEP flap. This is a summary of the DiepCJourney podcast. I interview one such surgeon and practice breast cancer patients travel as we discuss Breast Reconstruction Surgery In New Orleans at CRBS, the Center for Restorative Breast Surgery. Why Dr. Zafar chose Microsurgery and Breast Reconstruction I interview Dr. Sarosh Zafar, a double board-certified microsurgeon in plastic and reconstructive surgery and general surgery. She specializes in the most advanced methods of breast reconstruction, complex reconstruction, and microsurgery. She Continue Reading →

A Patient Story: Transitioning from Implants to DIEP Flap

Whether you have had a breast cancer diagnosis, have a genetic mutation placing you at high risk of getting breast cancer, have had or are facing a mastectomy due to either of these situations you will want to listen to this episode of the DiepCJourney podcast, A Patient Story: Transitioning from Implants to DIEP Flap. The time has come to share a personal story of a woman I interviewed twice about her decision to have a prophylactic mastectomy and implant reconstruction. This is the continuation of her Journey. She came to a decision to exchange the implants she never quite felt comfortable in and transition to DIEP flap breast reconstruction and use her own tissue this time around. An Unexpected DIEP Flap Reunion with a Friend Margaret Tueller Proffitt has a delightful Instagram account and describes herself as a lover of books, learning and travel. She is a Mom to four, Continue Reading →

Should You be Telling Someone What Kind of Reconstruction to Have?

There are a few layers to peel back when answering this question. It goes without saying I am referring to those affected by breast cancer and are facing a mastectomy. Whether you are a surgeon, patient, family member, or friend, should you be telling someone what kind of reconstruction to have? Understanding the Overwhelming Shock I see some differences but more similarities when I speak to women who are at high risk of getting breast cancer than those with an active diagnosis. Those who are at high risk of getting breast cancer are a those who have a genetic mutation. The first step is knowing your family history. This will be followed by a visit to a genetic counselor or oncologist to begin formulating a plan that might include: People who have just received the news they have a breast cancer diagnosis have considerations for planning their treatment that can Continue Reading →

The Value of the Co-Surgeon Model in Breast Reconstruction

This episode of the DiepCJourney podcast covers two very important topics. It includes the value of the co-surgeon model in microvascular breast reconstruction. We will also tackle a subject matter I am not an expert on but have a great deal of experience in. I will admit it is an uncomfortable topic for me because I am not an expert. The topic is insurance coverage in breast reconstruction. I want to say that I have NOT come to understand the complexities of insurance but have gained a great deal of empathy for those in the breast cancer community who deal with these complexities, and that includes patients and surgeons. My guest, Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo, discusses the value of the co-surgeon model in breast reconstruction and insurance coverage concerns. Why this Topic and Why Now? I have chosen this topic not to appear to be controversial. It is a topic that Continue Reading →

Can the Emotional Toll of Breast Cancer be Measured?

Measured how you might ask. In number of years, you survived? Perhaps it is the impact of the treatment and how you are called to endure discomfort, pain, and loss you did not know you would experience? Measured by the times you survived breast cancer? Can the emotional toll of breast cancer be measured? 2002: The Emotional Toll I had breast cancer in 2002 for the first time. The simple description: left breast lobular carcinoma with no lymph node involvement. The emotional toll kicked in for me on three strong fronts: There is no way to describe the moment you hear the words, “You have breast cancer,” or for that matter any kind of cancer. Telling your immediate family and beginning phones calls to extended family and friends caused me to cry endlessly. I lost weight without even trying. Sitting in an oncology office in front of a stranger listening Continue Reading →

Challenges, Accomplishments, and Understanding the Worth of Being A Caregiver

A guest blog by Richard A. Coutee I asked our oldest son to write a guest blog about his experience with both my breast cancer diagnosis and my recovery through DIEP flap surgery. I cried when I read it. He hit the mark on the challenges, accomplishments, and understanding the worth of being a caregiver. In his words… My First Challenge as a Caregiver In 2001, I was a freshman at Washington State University. I remember a chilly day in January, I was in class shortly after returning from Christmas break. The professor teaching the class that day paused when a teaching assistant came in and handed her a note. “Richard Coutee? You need to call home as soon as you can.”  I was embarrassed that I was called out in front of everyone and wondered what news was so important that it couldn’t wait for me. That’s when I Continue Reading →

Episode 51: Lymphedema Treatment and Surgery for Breast Cancer Patients

March 1, 2024, was the first day of lymphedema awareness month. We hope you will share this information with the embedded podcast in your community for breast cancer patients affected by lymphedema providing them with the resources needed to treat this condition and let them know there are specialists in surgical treatment options as well. I am pleased to provide this summary of Episode 51: Lymphedema Treatment and Surgery for Breast Cancer Patients. A Specialist in the Field of Lymphedema Treatment My guest is Dr. Charles Anton Fries, Chief of Plastic Surgery and faculty surgeon at UT Health San Antonio and works as a microsurgeon with the team at PRMA, Plastic Reconstructive Microsurgical Associates, in San Antonio. The management of lymphedema has seen significant improvement in the past few years. We will educate, dispel some fears surrounding the possible occurrence of lymphedema, and bring you some resources for care. The Continue Reading →

How to Host a Breast Reconstruction Community Gathering

I want to extend a note of gratitude to the members of the DiepCJourney private Facebook page for their inspiration writing this blog, how to host a breast reconstruction community gathering. For the readers, this is a community of learning, support, and sharing. I began “The Journey” Facebook group in 2015 before starting my nonprofit, DiepCFoundation. Now, this community has become an integral part of the Foundation work. I am inspired daily by their curiosity about breast reconstruction surgery, support for each other, and the friendships made along the way. You can see on the Advocacy page I recently held a community gathering of local Journey members. I want to share some tips on how to host your own breast reconstruction community gathering. Tip #1 for you Breast Reconstruction Community Gathering Ask yourself why you are having it. What purpose do you want to accomplish? It might be for the Continue Reading →

Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment of BIA/ALCL

Any surgery is not without risks. Using a medical device like a breast implant is no different. This is the focus of our discussion in a summary of the DiepCJourney podcast, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment of BIA/ALCL. Four million women across the globe have undergone breast augmentation using a medical device called a breast implant. This is done for reasons such as cosmesis or enhancement of the breast, trauma to the chest wall or for oncological reasons, meaning for breast cancer and the breast implant is used to replace breast tissue affected by or lost due to these two reasons, breast cancer or chest wall trauma. Meet A Leading Expert in the Field I talked to a leading expert in the field about the medical definition of breast implant associated (BIA) anaplastic large cell lymphoma, an uncommon form of ALCL. I interviewed Mark Clemens, MD, MBA, FACS. After receiving his Continue Reading →

The Rewards and Risks of Traveling for Patient Advocacy

Let’s dispense with the not so good news first. It is far less than the good news I will write about regarding the rewards and risks of traveling for patient advocacy. The Risks of Traveling for Patient Advocacy Patient advocates I know go into this work with their eyes wide open when they travel to conferences or events for their work. We know what can and sometimes does happen. I wanted to talk about these first because they are short-lived risks. The fallout from any of the above items passes in a brief time. We deal with them as they happen knowing we will return to our advocacy work in no time because of dealing with any of the above-mentioned events. The Rewards of Traveling for Patient Advocacy This is the real magic sauce of being a patient advocate and traveling on behalf of the communities we serve. My work Continue Reading →