Episode 2: Blood Vessels in Breast Reconstruction
I take you on a Journey of the amazing and complex system of blood vessels used in breast reconstruction in Episode 2. My “guest navigator” is Dr. Tim Matatov, a board-certified trained microsurgeon whose professional focus is performing autologous breast reconstruction for those affected by breast cancer. Let’s dive into to this podcast, Blood Vessels in Breast Reconstruction. Learning the Blood Vessels in Microsurgery Microsurgery is a subspeciality of plastic surgery and takes additional years of training and practice. Microsurgeons, like Dr. Matatov, perform a variety of autologous breast reconstruction using various flaps comprising this system of blood vessels. These flaps are often referred to using acronyms to describe the part of the body they come from. Here is a list of breast reconstruction flaps performed at Dr. Matatov’s practice. DIEP flap: deep inferior epigastric perforators using the tummy tissue. TDAP: Thoracodorsal artery perforator using tissue from the back. DCIA: Continue Reading →