Sisters Not Twins: Nipple Prosthesis after Unilateral Mastectomy

For women who have a unilateral mastectomy after breast cancer, there are great benefits to maintaining at least one sensate breast and nipple. However, it usually is more challenging to achieve a good symmetrical restoration of breast and nipple. There are plastic surgeons who like to inform us that after reconstruction, our breasts will be “sisters not twins” to help us have realistic expectations. In seeking to restore symmetry and balance for these women, most custom nipple prosthetic companies make an impression of the natural nipple and then seek to match the color.  The cost range for this degree of customization is currently about $480 to $760. That was the approach my husband and I used with Naturally Impressive nipple prosthetics for about 5 years. We learned a lot through this process, but we also discovered some of its limitations. MATCHING A NATURAL NIPPLE IS A MOVING TARGET! From my Continue Reading →

Post Breast Reconstruction Nips that Stick

Wouldn’t it be nice if prosthetic nipples would stick just like window cling? You simply slap them on and they stay on until you peeled them off.  Newsflash: skin isn’t like glass! Our marvelous, living, breathing skin with natural oils and sweat glands just isn’t like the surface of glass – thank goodness! “Nips that don’t stick” is a common and frustrating problem for many types of prosthetic nipples. Falling off at embarrassing moments or potentially getting lost can understandably be deal breakers for women considering nipple prosthetics after breast cancer surgery. Finding a way to provide secure adhesion for Naturally Impressive nipples sticking securely on the breast was one of our first big challenges. We had developed a nipple that looked fantastically real, but when using Pros-Aide water based adhesive, they only stayed on a few days, at best. Often I’d find them in the bed sheets in the morning Continue Reading →

The Elusive Nipple Solution After Breast Cancer Surgery

For many of us going through breast cancer, by the time we get through diagnosis, surgery, treatment and breast reconstruction, we have an eager anticipation of the final step of getting nipples to help us feel whole and complete. It seems like it should be simple, but often it drags on and on without a satisfactory solution.  Surgical nipples flatten, tattoos fade, prosthetics fall off. I was really fortunate. After my unilateral mastectomy in 2007, while I was still in the breast reconstruction process, my innovative husband was inspired by my plastic surgeon to develop a silicone nipple-areola for me. What a gift! It makes me feel so joyful to look in the mirror after showering or while dressing and see the symmetry of two nipples. It eases some of the sting of what breast cancer has taken from me as a woman.    My Husband & I had no Continue Reading →